The Prophetic Imperative

August 13,, 2023 @ 11:15AM | Please use this form to register for The Prophetic Imperative.


In what ways might Unitarian Universalists be described as being prophetic? To what end are we prophetic? Why? What are the ethical implications of being a Unitarian Universalist? Are there any? As Unitarian Universalists, are we compelled to do anything? In the realm of social justice, what is the difference between service, witness and action? This course will focus on the role of the church in the larger community?

“The Prophetic Imperative” by Richard Gilbert

We will meet on on 8/13, 8/27 & 9/10.



August 13,, 2023 @ 11:15AM
Please use this form to register for The Prophetic Imperative.