Please review the currently open positions described below and choose those in which you are interested. Descriptions are underneath the choices.
Brew Crew Chair Description: Maintain the schedule for the volunteers who set up and clean up coffee each Sunday. Make sure that necessary supplies are on hand. Occasionally recruit new volunteers to help out. Attend monthly Program Council meetings (2nd Thursdays, 7 pm, via GoogleMeets).
Time Commitment: 2-3 Hours per month
Contact: Lynn Hannan Brew Crew Volunteer Description: Make coffee before service one Sunday a month (30-45 min/month) or clean up one Sunday/mo (1 hr/month).
Time Commitment: 2-3 Hours per month
Contact: Lynn Hannan Circle Care Leader Description: Welcome new care circle members. Inform care circle members about how the care circle works. Communicate with members periodically. Organize care such as meals, rides (occasionally), or memorials. Organize care circle social events. Attend monthly Care Circle Leaders meeting. Inform minister or care circle coordinator of serious needs.
Time Commitment: One to three hours a month
Contact: Donna Guile, Care Circle Coordinator, Greeters Description: Arrive at church by 9:20. Put out greeter supplies. Greet members and visitors. Offer nametags and explain UUMAN to visitors. Answer their questions.
Time Commitment: 45 minutes per month.
Contact: Rosie Popp Hospitality Chair Description: Recruit and manage volunteers to assist with various groups' own volunteers holding events, manage and organize kitchen and other supplies
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Sarah Hunter
Faith Development MInistry
Second Hour Description: Adult Enrichment is always looking for people interested in leading programs during 2nd hour.
Time Commitment: One time or ongoing monthly offering
Contact: Kevin McCulloch:
Kids Community Description: Lead children (aged 4 years and over) in a simple, preplanned activity during service
Time Commitment: One Sunday per month; Calendar made quarterly parents attend service
Contact: Kassie Love
MCY See this document for more information on the available opportunities in MCY: Contact:Lexie Brown Nursery Description: Help watch children under 4 while parents attend service
Time Commitment: One Sunday per month; Calendar made quarterly parents attend service
Contact: Lexie Brown
Family Promise Volunteer Description: Assist Family Promise (Housing homeless families at UUMAN) coordinators during the first 3 weeks in June by setting up rooms, or cooking/purchasing food for the families, or acting as evening or overnight hosts, or help pack and clean up when families leave.
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Mike Chambers / Donna Guile
Social Justice Leader
Description: Members of the congregation to lead specific efforts/initiatives.
Time Commitment: commitment is variable.
Contact: Jennifer Ratcliffe or Carla Rizzati
Building Care Group Description: Small cleaning, organizing, repair projects
Time Commitment: 4th Fridays 8:30-11:00 am; drop in but let Rosie know beforehand. Other days upon request.
Contact: Rosie Popp Lawn Mowing Description: Mowing our lawn using our riding lawn mower and trimming if needed.
Time Commitment: ~ 1 day per month
Contact: Susan Wilson Operations/Maintenance Description: Miscellaneous small jobs around our campus
Time Commitment: As you are available
Contact: Susan Wilson Gardening Description: Tending to our landscape
Time Commitment: Wednesdays 8:30-10:00 am; drop in but let Shelley know beforehand (Fridays 2-4pm)
Contact: Shelley Nagrani
Outreach & Connections Ministry
Coffee House Chair Description: Lead small group of volunteers to prepare UUMAN for coffee house events one Saturday night per month and restore UUMAN for Sunday service afterwards. This position might require auditioning and booking acts if the Lashbrooks discontinue these roles.
Time Commitment: 8 hours per month or 16 hours per month if also booking acts
Contact: Laura Keck Coffee House Volunteer Description: Assist chair with set up (1 hour/month), or kitchen (2.5-5 hours/month) or setting sanctuary back up for service after (30 min/month)
Time Commitment: 8 hours per month or 16 hours per month if also booking acts
Contact: Laura Keck Partner Church Description: Partner Church Committee needs volunteers to communicate by email and Facebook with our contacts in India. Help in planning Fall Trip to visit Mawsynjri Unitarian Church in Kharang, Meghalaya India next Fall.
Time Commitment: Contact: Michelle Liebergesell
Livestream Description: Show up a bit early/stay a bit late to help with setup, manning a camera during the service, and occasional light preparation work before Sunday.
Time Commitment: One or more Sundays a month
Contact: Kevin McCulloch: Choir Contact: Alex Pietsch Guitar Ensemble Contact: Alex Pietsch Ushers Description: Fold and hand out Orders of Worship; collect and count offering
Time Commitment: Sunday Worship service (usually once a month)
Contact: Mike Chambers Worship Associate Description: Co-lead Sunday service, including preparation of Order of Worship script & program for print; ensure chalice & service materials are ready before & put away following; attend monthly Worship Committee meetings.
Time Commitment: Act as Worship Associate approx every 6-8 weeks; 2-3 hours during week of service.
Contact: Valorie Baylis | Worship Chair | 404-457-2616 |